Are you familiar with this incredible information?

he main cause of cancer was officially discovered before 1923, and the person who made this discovery won the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1931. Very few people in the world know about it, but unfortunately, the truth is hidden from the public.

In 1931, the German scientist Otto Heinrich Warburg (1883 1970) received the Nobel Prize for finding the underlying cause of cancer. Dr. Warburg discovered that cancer is the result of anti-physiological way of life.

Anti-physiological way of eating (mostly food that is acidifying) and physical inactivity, the body creates an acidic environment that is poorly oxygenated.

Cellular acidity displaces the oxygen, andthe lack of oxygen in the cells creates an acidic environment.

Dr. Warburg said: “The lack of oxygen and acidity are two sides of the same coin: if someone has one, it also has the other”.

If you have high acidity levels, you will automatically have a lack of oxygen in the body; if you lack oxygen you will have acidified body. Acidic environment is an environment without oxygen.

“If you take away 35% of oxygen from a healthy cell, you can turn it into a cancer cell in two days,” claimed Dr. Warburg.

“All normal cells have an absolute need for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without it. This is a rule without exception. ”

Tumor tissues are acidic, while the healthy tissues are alkaline.

In his work “The metabolism of tumors,” Dr. Warburg showed that all cancerous forms fulfill two basic conditions: blood acidity and hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

He discovered that tumor cells are anaerobic (do not breathe in oxygen) and cannot survive in the presence of high concentrations of oxygen.

Tumor cells can only survive with the help of glucose and in an environment that does not have oxygen.

Therefore, cancer is nothing more than a defense mechanism that our cells use in order to survive in an acidic environment without oxygen.

Healthy cells live in alkaline environment full of oxygen, which allows its normal functioning. Tumor cells live in an acid environment poor of oxygen.

The acidity and alkalinity of the organism depends on the food.

After the process of digestion has finished, the food, depending on their nutritional profile, creates the conditions of acidity or alkalinity in the body.

In order to put it in simpler words, the alkalinity of the organism depends on what we eat.

An acidic or alkaline condition is measured on a PH scale from 0 to 14, where 7 is the neutral zone. From 0 to 7 is acidic, and 7 to 14 is alkaline.

In order to function successfully, our cells should have a slightly alkaline pH, slightly above 7.

In a healthy individual, the blood pH is between 7.40 and 7.45.

The blood constantly regulates itself to prevent inflammation in the metabolic acidity.

However, some foods are acidifying the blood andpollute the body.

Food that is acidifying the body

Refined sugar and all of its derivatives. It is the worst from all because it does not contain protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, only refined carbohydrates, which damage the pancreas. Its pH is 2.1 (very acidic).
Meat (all types)
Animal products — milk, cheese, cream, yogurt, etc.
Refined salt
Refined flour and all its derivatives such as pasta, cakes, biscuits etc.
All industrially processed and canned foods, which contain preservatives, artificial colors, flavors, stabilizers, etc.
Antibiotics and generally all kinds of medications
Foods that are alkaline

All the raw vegetables. Even though some of them have a sour taste, they change when they are entered in the body and become alkaline.
For example, lemon inside the body has a very high degree of alkalinity. (Do not be fooled by its very sour taste).
They are very alkaline.
Whole grains: the only alkaline whole grain is millet. All the other plants are slightly sour, but for an ideal diet you need a certain amount of acidity so it means that it is healthy to consume some whole grains. All whole grains need to be cooked before consumption.
Honey has high alkalinity
Green plants contain chlorophyll, which has high alkalinity.
It is important for the production of oxygen. Be always well hydrated, and drink small sips of water throughout the day.
Exercises help maintain the alkalinity of the body because they provide oxygen. Sedentary lifestyle is destroying life.
Chemotherapy does not cure, it rather worsens the acidity of the body.Chemotherapy is acidifying the body to the extent that it must reach out to the alkaline reserve of the body, in order to neutralize the acidity of vital minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium) embedded in bones, teeth, limbs, nails and hair.

For this reason, we see changes in people receiving chemotherapy, including hair loss.

Other medications can also worsen the acidity of the body, so they should be avoided as much as possible.

The correct ratio of pH

As pointed out, it is nearly impossible the cancer to appear in a person who eats healthy, drinks plenty of clean water and exercises.

To be properly fed, make sure your diet is 60% alkaline, and avoid products that are mostly acidic, such as soft drinks, sweets and fast food.

Do not abuse the salt and use it as little as possible.

If you are sick, it is ideal that your diet is 80% alkaline.

If you have cancer, the advice is to alkalize the body as much as possible. This can be achieved with the help of proper diet, exercise, avoiding stress and additional input of chlorophyll.

Expert opinions

“All the so-called natural deaths are nothing but the terminal point of high body acidity,” — George W. Crile of Cleveland, one of the most renowned surgeons in the world.

“The innumerable names of the diseases are not important, but the fact that they all stem from the basic causes is — too much acidity in the body.” — Dr. Theodore A. Baroody, book “Alkalise or die” (“Alkaliseor Die”)

“Increased acidification of the body is the cause of degenerative diseases. If there is an imbalance and the body begins to store toxins and acidity to a greater extent, your body will start to experience diseases “- Dr. Robert O. Young.


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