If you want to burn the stubborn belly fat, of vital importance is to discover the main reason for the presence of that issue with extra kilos.

Small Intestinal Bacterial OvergrowthMost of the people who deal with stubborn belly fat and are overweight, also deal with symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome including diarrhea, constipation or bloating. All these symptoms may be caused by overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestines.

It is important to mention that population of bacteria is present in the large intestines, mouths and digestive tract. As a result of low stomach acid and poor dietary choices, bacteria is able to steal the nutrients from the food we consume and because of that we have reduced levels of nutrition entering the bloodstream. Bacterial overgrowth may cause lack of nutrients to get into the cells. Therefore, that could be the reason why you are not losing weight, even though you are eating well.

Poor Fatty Acids Metabolism

At the moment when the organism is not able to use these fats as a fuel, the body will not have
other option but to store the fat away if your organism. If your cells have lack of couple
essential nutrients, the process of burning the fat in order to provide energy will be disabled. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) and Carnitine are needed by our cells in order to melt fatty acids.

There are two ways on which you can determine if fatty acids metabolism is the reason of excess fat storage: first is to consume good source of fat instead of bad, inflammatory fats, or to be examined by Functional Medicine doctor.

Sources of good fats are clarified grass – fed butter, avocado, organic coconut oil and wild fish.

Not Consuming Organic Food

Nowadays, most of the crops are sprayed with herbicides and pesticides. It is important to
mention that these chemicals affect insects, fungi, viruses and bacteria, but in a negative way. Moreover, these toxic chemicals have negative impact on the overall health.

It is important to consume organic food in order to get rid of the excess pounds, waste, toxins
and improve the overall health.

Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal imbalance includes imbalance in brain based hormones, sex hormones, adrenal hormones and insulin levels. According to experts explain, hormones have major role in the human body. Hormones actually comand the metabolic processes of the cells, the usage of carbs and fat, mood, the rate and ability of energy production and the reaction to stimuli. It is

important to mention that all hormones interact with each other and single hormonal imbalance never occurs in isolation.

Some people are overweight if they suffer from some of these hormonal issues. The issues vary from infertility and thyroid dysfunction to diabetes and obesity.

Nutrition Full Of Carbs and Sugar

Processed foods contain large amounts of refined carbs and sugar. Be aware that these types of food lead to fat storage, but also can cause spike in insulin and many other negative effects.

Unfortunately, nowadays many people consume food rich in carbs, and also spend a lot of time in front of their screens, or better said live relatively sedentary lives.

It is very important for you to remember that in order to lose weight, crucial changes are needed. Our advice is to choose good quality fat, foods high in protein, unprocessed and organic foods.


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