Devendra Sutha, An Indian man from Gujrat who was born with 14 fingers and 14 toes holds the weird world record. Some world records are impeccable and can fill one with awe. And some are plain fascinating, like this one.
This extraordinary record was recognised by the Guinness Book of World Records after his diagnosis -- *polydactylism -- was veriffied by an Indian doctor last year.

Since then he became a local celebrity with people coming from nearby villages to take a glance at their unusual compatriot.

Meet world record holder for highest number of fingers and toes
Suthar constantly worries that he will lose one of his fingers when he is using hammers and saws at wor
"Because of my extra fingers people here treat me as a celebrity. They come to see me and the attention makes me feel special. Children laugh when they see me doing funny tricks with my fingers.

The expression on their face when they see my toes is priceless. Thanks to my fingers I have become a famous man. I consider my extra fingers and toes definitely are lucky for me and I do not want to cut them off."

Meet world record holder for highest number of fingers and toes
The carpenter who has 28 fingers and toes says he has to be extra careful not to slice off one of his extra digits at work
Suthar has seven fingers on each hand and seven toes on each foot and has to be extremely careful as he works as a carpenter.

He said: "The extra fingers and toes certainly trouble me at times. I am a carpenter and work mostly with saw and hammer. I have to always be careful to avoid the fingers."

Meet world record holder for highest number of fingers and toes
world record fingers and toes
*Polydactyly or is a congenital physical anomaly in humans, dogs, and cats having supernumerary fingers or toes. The condition has an incidence of 1 in every 500 live births and is associated with different mutations. It usually does not interfere with hand function, but for social reasons it can be treated operatively


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