We’re going to present you 12 dangerous bedtime habits that must be avoid if you have problems sleeping!

1.Stop drinking anything before you go to bed! You may need to wake up 2-3 times to go to the bathroom.

2.Don’t sleep at any time of the day! Make a routine for when you will sleep so that you can prepare your brain for that.

3. Make sure all the electronic things you have near you are far away from you when you decide to go to bed. The brightness from your screen will disturb your rest and keep your brain active.

4.Never read before you go to bed! Many people do this, but it is a bad habit. Read a little earlier.

5.Avoid using bright alarm clocks! It will disturb your sleep and keep your brain active. Choose an alarm clock with dimmer numbers.

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6.Don’t buy a less expensive mattress! A high-quality mattress will help you rest comfortably, and it will keep you fresh and sound. So utilize good mattress!

7.One of the 12 dangerous bedtime habits is definitely this one! You must make sure you have your supper no less than 2 hours before going to bed, because if you will sleep on full stomach, your body may keep you awake for digestion process.

8. Exercise makes you feel fresh and lively. Stop practicing no less than 3 hours before sleep time.

9.Your cold feet will definitely keep you awake! Use some heating pads or socks to keep your feet warm.

10.Make your body mindful about night time and sleep. Make a schedule, go to the bathroom, brush your teeth and wash your face. Your body will then prepare itself to rest.

11. Do not drink coffee less than 4 hours before you rest! Caffeine fortifies your body and makes you feel fresh! Take it when you have to stay awake.

12. Adopt the best sleeping position. Abstain from having sore back and shoulder or even neck when you wake up. Try to sleep on your side rather than on your stomach or back!

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