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Many studies have revealed that women are much more likely to initiate a breakup than men. One particular survey even revealed that 50% of women only give their partners the half-truth as to why they’re leaving him. Well, we’re here to enlighten you a bit on this topic so that you can finally get some closure or maybe even save your relationship from crashing down.

Here is a list of 8 most common reasons why your girlfriend might end up breaking up with you:

1. You’re not spending enough time together

Research has revealed that one of the biggest reasons why a relationship fails is attributed to a lack of time spent together. A girl loves having some “us time”. Now I’m not saying she expects you to spend every waking minute of your life with her, but there should be some sort of balance.

What’s the point of being in a relationship if your partner can’t even seem to take some time out for you on a weekend, a holiday, or after work? If you don’t dedicate any of your time to her, she will start feeling like you’re not interested in staying in this relationship. And she might decide to end it before you do.

2. You haven’t put a ring on it… for years
The ultimate realization that she might never become your wife, especially when it’s the one thing her heart desires, might push her away from you forever.

Author, life coach, and motivational speaker Tony Gaskins stated in his blog that he believes that if a man dates a woman for 3-5 years and hasn’t proposed, he’s just passing time. A woman will be quick to pick up on this attitude and she will leave.

3. Bad sex
Yes, as much as all of us like to believe that sex is not as significant as other aspects of your relationship, it is still very much significant. Tammy Nelson, Ph.D., a Board Certified Sexologist and Certified Sex Therapist advised that a couple who has bad sex eventually becomes discouraged about their future together.

It isn’t only the physical aspect of sex that will turn a woman away. It’s also the sexual communication or lack of it that will really grind her chain. If you’re actually willing to talk it out and listen, she might be willing to try different things as well.

4. Huge Differences
Opposites do attract but when two people just aren’t able to see eye to eye on extremely crucial issues in life, then they will only end up doing more harm to their relationship than good. This might be because your careers are at very different places or she wants to have kids while you want to adopt or you wish to live in the city while she has always dreamed of having a cozy house in the countryside.

Whatever the reason might be, there are some issues where you just can’t reach a compromise. She wants what she wants without having to make you feel bad. So it’s better for her to just leave.

5. You’ve been emotionally unavailable
Marriage Counsellor, Justice Schanfarber, stated in an article that women end up leaving because they feel that their man is not present, even if she still loves you and even if you have children together.

She needs to know that you’re there for her. If you always stay absent-minded, it will make her feel like you’re taking her for granted. She wants to know that the passion is still alive between you two and if she isn’t able to feel that connection, she will choose to leave even if it hurts.

6. Bad Communication
You haven’t been man enough to discuss an issue face to face with her or you only talk to her through a gadget or even worst- on some social media platform. No communication, rare communication, or virtual communication aren’t enough to build a strong relationship. Founder and CEO of Balanced Life Academy Group, David Oragui, advised in his article “Why is Communication Important in a Relationship” that “Communication in a relationship is extremely important because it acts as the judge jury who has the final say on whether your relationship lives or dies.”

Let this sink in for a while and answer this: are you a good communicator?

7. Financial instability
This goes deeper than just being broke. This covers the ambitions and goals you have in life, and your drive to actually do/be something. While your girlfriend can understand how the economy has been rough, one thing that might not sit well with her is if you’re never there to support her financially even if it’s only to split a bill.

One matchmaking service revealed that over 95% females answered “yes” when they were asked if income is important to them. Your financial stability acts as a reflection of your ambition. Every girl loves an ambition man even if she is keen on staying independent and providing for herself.

8. Abuse
Abuse can be physical, verbal, or emotional. But whatever the type you make her go through, she will end up taking her battle scars and leaving. She is a human being just like you.

She deserves to get respect for her body, her emotions, and her thoughts. Damage any of that and your relationship will get broken forever. Steven Stosny, Ph.D. advised in that an emotionally abusive relationship is bound to undermine her worthiness, confidence, trust or growth, and will make her feel unstable and manipulated with shame.



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