Traditionally, clerics from notable churches reveal
prophecies that may shape or mar the year as Nigerians are ushered into
the New Year. In this report CHIKA OKEKE, writes that for 2015, while
some clerics followed the tradition, some others rather avoided making
strategic prophetic declarations for the year, opting instead to implore
Nigerians to engage in rigorous prayers for Nigeria to remain
Dr Daniel Kolawole Olukoya – MFM
For the general overseer of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM), Dr Daniel Kolawole Olukoya who described year 2015 as, “Year of Multiple Restorations and Unparalleled Favour” for MFM members (Psalm 102:13 ; Hebrews 1:9 ; Joel 2:25), he did not present his prophetic outlook as was done in the past. He rather highlighted what he described as, ‘42 prayer points to tackle the year’, a situation many viewed as a deliberate attempt to avoid making controversial statement.
According to him, “I will speak in parables. This year is going to be a mysterious, cautious and dribbling year, so, you will have to find the solutions instead of diagnosing the problems carried by the year.”
“For emphasis, note that this year would require machine gun prayers. There won’t be too much grammar/explanations but relentless bombardment of prayers like an antidote for the diagnosis is what is needed for the year.
“This year’s prophecies are like when you take antibiotics even when you don’t have any symptoms, it is to proactively prepare for and prevent what is coming. It is to counter impending problems. To understand the year 2015 prophecies, you must deduce or decode these prayer antidotes to know the kind of year it portends.
“(Hosea 12:13: “… And by a prophet the LORD brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved.”
Reeling out the 42 prayer points, he said, “By the power of the God of Elijah, Terror MUST bury Terror this year in the name of Jesus, I shall not be used as a sacrifice by the power in the blood of Jesus and Vampire powers, hear the word of the Lord, drink your own blood and eat your own flesh as it is written in Psalm 27:2 in the name of Jesus.
Also that, ‘Harvest must meet harvest in my life this year in the name of Jesus, My father by your ordained prophet lead me into this year and preserve me in this year in Jesus name. (Hosea 12:13). My father deliver me from every agenda of destiny impotence in Jesus name, and Oh Lord, behold the threatening of my hardened enemies and ARISE for my sake in Jesus name.’ (Form a habit of reporting the enemy to God regularly this year – Acts4:24-31)
He continued, “This year, evil shall bow before the good in Jesus name, Favour must meet favour in my life this year in Jesus name, I claim net-breaking breakthroughs by the power in the blood of Jesus (Many children of God would experience net- breaking breakthroughs this year), this year, my Enemies shall die in my place in the name of Jesus, O God ARISE and let my enemies be scattered in Jesus name, Let the padlock from Heaven silence my silencers in the name of Jesus, Weapons brought by the enemy to the battle-front must BACKFIRE!!! In the name of Jesus and this year, anger of the mother-earth, be silenced by the blood of Jesus.
Continuing, Olukoya said, “Help me O Lord NOT to major in vanity this year in the name Jesus, this year, the sun shall not smite me by day nor the moon by night in Jesus name, My Rest , My Release, My Restoration: MANIFEST BY FIRE!!! in Jesus name, This year, rebellion must dwell in dry lands in Jesus name, This year, the Lord will perfect that which what concerns me in Jesus name.
The clerics further enjoined Christians to regularly sing a song of faith which goes like, “You’ve been doing Your work, Father PERFECT Your work, You’ve been doing Your work in my life, Father perfect Your Work” adding that they should memorize Psalm 91 and make it their medicine.
Speaking further on the prayer points, he noted that, “This year, let the manifestation of grace in 3-folds appear in my life, in Jesus name; this year, O Lord, move me by fire to a new level of GRACE in Jesus name; anointing for profitable creativity fall upon me now in Jesus name; this year, Let the fresh anointing of the Holy Ghost fall upon me in the name of Jesus; let the wickedness of the wicked EXPIRE!!! in the name of Jesus; O God Arise and over-answer my prayers this year in the name of Jesus and my body, hear the word of the lord reject infirmity in the name of Jesus. (Pray this ten times).
Noting that, “ This year, famine and wearying of the soul, I’m not your candidate, therefore, Die in Jesus name; This year, you must always carry God’s presence by always praising God throughout this year; Laziness and procrastination must die in your life this year; this year, we pronounce judgment on abusers of children in any form of religious guise or otherwise; let the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ overshadow and surround me this year, in the name of Jesus; Just as Hezekiah was delivered and got 15 extra years of life, and the Jews also got delivered from death through Esther, I shall be delivered from death in Jesus name likewise Haman will not contest with me this year in the name of Jesus.
He stressed, “The sun of my life shall not listen to the voice of witchcraft in the name of Jesus; God shall make the right people to help me at the right time and at the right place in
Jesus; O Lord, pass through the land in violent anger and slay the wicked who has made covenant with bad spirits to destroy; the period of mercy for the WICKED IS OVER!!!; O God Arise and judge every proud and arrogant leader this year, in the name of Jesus and Lord, when I pass through the water and flood, physically and spiritually, they shall not overflow me, in the name of Jesus.
He concluded by reeling out fifteen D’s that would stand against the year as, “deceit, delay, defilement, despair, disobedience, disbelief, distraction, dishonesty, disappointment, discouragement, discord, doubts, double-mindedness, deadness and deafness.
Pastor T. B. Joshua – SCOAN
Also, the general overseer of Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Pastor Temitope Balogun Joshua during the candle light vigil held in honour of victims of the church building collapse in Lagos and which to usher in the New Year deliberately avoided his yearly prediction.
While declaring Year 2015 as ‘The Year of Good Morning’, he tactically said the troubles in year 2014 might spill over to 2015 if Nigerians failed to live holy life.
“If you are expecting a New Year, you must be pure in heart, if not, the troubled year of 2014 will continue in 2015. No matter what this New Year brings, if you are more of God, your trials are the soil in which your faith will flourish.
According to him, “The freedom the Bible speaks of in John 8:36 is spiritual not physical, this liberation of your spirit is all you need to have the best year,”
“You just need a Word from God to change the course of your life. God said, “I should give you the Word – Good Morning. Instead of saying: ‘Happy New Year’, say ‘Good Morning’. 2014 was the afternoon but now we are going to the morning. This Word is anointed”, he concluded.
Pastor Enoch Adeboye- RCCG
However, the General Overseer of Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adeboye divided his prophesy into four segments such as individual, international, RCCG and Nigeria.
For individual, he said; “Those who fasted for 100 days last year, the Lord says the harvest for the 100 days fast will be given this year; Daddy says this year will be full of testimonies, those who have none before will have this year; Daddy says some of you will swim in the river of abundance this year; Daddy says there will be miraculous completion of projects; Daddy says there will be fulfillment of dreams; Daddy says there will be miraculous restoration and Daddy says the song of many will be – The Lord has been good to me.”
Adeboye noted that scientific and medical breakthroughs will be many, particularly in the areas of insomnia- lack of sleep, dreams and brain disorders at the International level adding that Ebola Virus Disease would die out.
“Daddy says all over the world insurgencies will be considerately weakened. He asked us to pray against massive calamities and He also asked us to pray against massive earthquakes, strong hurricane and typhoons
Speaking further on the expectation for RCCG members, he added, “This year all you need is to charge your batteries by fasting for 40 days only. Those of you who want to fast continuously 20 days and 20 nights will cover the 40 days. If you miss one day, you have to cover it with two days
For Nigeria, he said, “By the end of the year – you will say all is well that ends well
Bishop David Oyedepo – Winners Chapel
The year 2015 will be a year with clear distinctions, “the GO of Living Faith Church Worlwide (Winners Chapel), Bishop David Oyedepo said this during the closing day for 2014 Annual Shiloh Convocation in Ota, Ogun State.
He maintained that giants would rise up in all sectors of human endeavour adding that there would be a sudden rise of giants in Zion.
“In 2015, nobody will doubt those who serve God; It will be clear that we are only in the world, not of the world; in 2015, my God will wipe away all your tears; There shall be no occasion for mourning or weeping; Throughout 2015, you are not permitted to bury anyone in your life because there shall be no more death; in 2015, some things that cause you sorrow will be far from you and in 2015, you will not need any medication to be healthy.
Also that, “Your night season is over; God will be all you need for triumphant life, victorious living all through 2015; There shall be a rise of many giants – giants in all sectors of human endeavor; Men like nations will rise in the year 2015; Men that will command attention of many nations shall arise in 2015 and God has brought us into the realm of heaven on earth, where men will live like angels.
Pastor William Kumuyi – Deeper Life
The General Superintendent of Deeper Life Bible Church, Pastor William Kumuyi did not release fresh prophecy for the New Year. Earlier in December during a media briefing ahead of the Deeper Life Bible Church three-day crusade at Eiyenkorin in Ilorin, Kwara State he regretted that Nigerians misunderstood the power of prophesy insisting that Nigeria remains an indivisible entity.
“Sometimes people misunderstood the power of prophecy and there are people who will make negative pronouncements. Pronouncements are not necessarily prophecies. Every utterance on Nigeria breaking up is a pronouncement made from observations and not prophecies.
“I believe those who made those pronouncements based on some things they see or feel should say ‘they feel Nigeria may break up’ and not that God said that. Because if God could hear the voice of only Moses and spared Israel and they still exist over 3,000 years after, then God loves Nigeria and would not allow it to break up.
He concluded by saying that, “God has a purpose for Nigeria. When people talk of division, the truth is that once you start the process, it never ends. Once you say, ‘people in the North, go your way and those in the South, go your way,’ there are other people who will also rise up to say they too want to go their own way even within you. You know what happened in the 1960’s; several sides will begin to be asked to go away but I know that God has a purpose for bringing Nigeria together and we shall remain
For the general overseer of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM), Dr Daniel Kolawole Olukoya who described year 2015 as, “Year of Multiple Restorations and Unparalleled Favour” for MFM members (Psalm 102:13 ; Hebrews 1:9 ; Joel 2:25), he did not present his prophetic outlook as was done in the past. He rather highlighted what he described as, ‘42 prayer points to tackle the year’, a situation many viewed as a deliberate attempt to avoid making controversial statement.
According to him, “I will speak in parables. This year is going to be a mysterious, cautious and dribbling year, so, you will have to find the solutions instead of diagnosing the problems carried by the year.”
“For emphasis, note that this year would require machine gun prayers. There won’t be too much grammar/explanations but relentless bombardment of prayers like an antidote for the diagnosis is what is needed for the year.
“This year’s prophecies are like when you take antibiotics even when you don’t have any symptoms, it is to proactively prepare for and prevent what is coming. It is to counter impending problems. To understand the year 2015 prophecies, you must deduce or decode these prayer antidotes to know the kind of year it portends.
“(Hosea 12:13: “… And by a prophet the LORD brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved.”
Reeling out the 42 prayer points, he said, “By the power of the God of Elijah, Terror MUST bury Terror this year in the name of Jesus, I shall not be used as a sacrifice by the power in the blood of Jesus and Vampire powers, hear the word of the Lord, drink your own blood and eat your own flesh as it is written in Psalm 27:2 in the name of Jesus.
Also that, ‘Harvest must meet harvest in my life this year in the name of Jesus, My father by your ordained prophet lead me into this year and preserve me in this year in Jesus name. (Hosea 12:13). My father deliver me from every agenda of destiny impotence in Jesus name, and Oh Lord, behold the threatening of my hardened enemies and ARISE for my sake in Jesus name.’ (Form a habit of reporting the enemy to God regularly this year – Acts4:24-31)
He continued, “This year, evil shall bow before the good in Jesus name, Favour must meet favour in my life this year in Jesus name, I claim net-breaking breakthroughs by the power in the blood of Jesus (Many children of God would experience net- breaking breakthroughs this year), this year, my Enemies shall die in my place in the name of Jesus, O God ARISE and let my enemies be scattered in Jesus name, Let the padlock from Heaven silence my silencers in the name of Jesus, Weapons brought by the enemy to the battle-front must BACKFIRE!!! In the name of Jesus and this year, anger of the mother-earth, be silenced by the blood of Jesus.
Continuing, Olukoya said, “Help me O Lord NOT to major in vanity this year in the name Jesus, this year, the sun shall not smite me by day nor the moon by night in Jesus name, My Rest , My Release, My Restoration: MANIFEST BY FIRE!!! in Jesus name, This year, rebellion must dwell in dry lands in Jesus name, This year, the Lord will perfect that which what concerns me in Jesus name.
The clerics further enjoined Christians to regularly sing a song of faith which goes like, “You’ve been doing Your work, Father PERFECT Your work, You’ve been doing Your work in my life, Father perfect Your Work” adding that they should memorize Psalm 91 and make it their medicine.
Speaking further on the prayer points, he noted that, “This year, let the manifestation of grace in 3-folds appear in my life, in Jesus name; this year, O Lord, move me by fire to a new level of GRACE in Jesus name; anointing for profitable creativity fall upon me now in Jesus name; this year, Let the fresh anointing of the Holy Ghost fall upon me in the name of Jesus; let the wickedness of the wicked EXPIRE!!! in the name of Jesus; O God Arise and over-answer my prayers this year in the name of Jesus and my body, hear the word of the lord reject infirmity in the name of Jesus. (Pray this ten times).
Noting that, “ This year, famine and wearying of the soul, I’m not your candidate, therefore, Die in Jesus name; This year, you must always carry God’s presence by always praising God throughout this year; Laziness and procrastination must die in your life this year; this year, we pronounce judgment on abusers of children in any form of religious guise or otherwise; let the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ overshadow and surround me this year, in the name of Jesus; Just as Hezekiah was delivered and got 15 extra years of life, and the Jews also got delivered from death through Esther, I shall be delivered from death in Jesus name likewise Haman will not contest with me this year in the name of Jesus.
He stressed, “The sun of my life shall not listen to the voice of witchcraft in the name of Jesus; God shall make the right people to help me at the right time and at the right place in
Jesus; O Lord, pass through the land in violent anger and slay the wicked who has made covenant with bad spirits to destroy; the period of mercy for the WICKED IS OVER!!!; O God Arise and judge every proud and arrogant leader this year, in the name of Jesus and Lord, when I pass through the water and flood, physically and spiritually, they shall not overflow me, in the name of Jesus.
He concluded by reeling out fifteen D’s that would stand against the year as, “deceit, delay, defilement, despair, disobedience, disbelief, distraction, dishonesty, disappointment, discouragement, discord, doubts, double-mindedness, deadness and deafness.
Pastor T. B. Joshua – SCOAN
Also, the general overseer of Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Pastor Temitope Balogun Joshua during the candle light vigil held in honour of victims of the church building collapse in Lagos and which to usher in the New Year deliberately avoided his yearly prediction.
While declaring Year 2015 as ‘The Year of Good Morning’, he tactically said the troubles in year 2014 might spill over to 2015 if Nigerians failed to live holy life.
“If you are expecting a New Year, you must be pure in heart, if not, the troubled year of 2014 will continue in 2015. No matter what this New Year brings, if you are more of God, your trials are the soil in which your faith will flourish.
According to him, “The freedom the Bible speaks of in John 8:36 is spiritual not physical, this liberation of your spirit is all you need to have the best year,”
“You just need a Word from God to change the course of your life. God said, “I should give you the Word – Good Morning. Instead of saying: ‘Happy New Year’, say ‘Good Morning’. 2014 was the afternoon but now we are going to the morning. This Word is anointed”, he concluded.
Pastor Enoch Adeboye- RCCG
However, the General Overseer of Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adeboye divided his prophesy into four segments such as individual, international, RCCG and Nigeria.
For individual, he said; “Those who fasted for 100 days last year, the Lord says the harvest for the 100 days fast will be given this year; Daddy says this year will be full of testimonies, those who have none before will have this year; Daddy says some of you will swim in the river of abundance this year; Daddy says there will be miraculous completion of projects; Daddy says there will be fulfillment of dreams; Daddy says there will be miraculous restoration and Daddy says the song of many will be – The Lord has been good to me.”
Adeboye noted that scientific and medical breakthroughs will be many, particularly in the areas of insomnia- lack of sleep, dreams and brain disorders at the International level adding that Ebola Virus Disease would die out.
“Daddy says all over the world insurgencies will be considerately weakened. He asked us to pray against massive calamities and He also asked us to pray against massive earthquakes, strong hurricane and typhoons
Speaking further on the expectation for RCCG members, he added, “This year all you need is to charge your batteries by fasting for 40 days only. Those of you who want to fast continuously 20 days and 20 nights will cover the 40 days. If you miss one day, you have to cover it with two days
For Nigeria, he said, “By the end of the year – you will say all is well that ends well
Bishop David Oyedepo – Winners Chapel
The year 2015 will be a year with clear distinctions, “the GO of Living Faith Church Worlwide (Winners Chapel), Bishop David Oyedepo said this during the closing day for 2014 Annual Shiloh Convocation in Ota, Ogun State.
He maintained that giants would rise up in all sectors of human endeavour adding that there would be a sudden rise of giants in Zion.
“In 2015, nobody will doubt those who serve God; It will be clear that we are only in the world, not of the world; in 2015, my God will wipe away all your tears; There shall be no occasion for mourning or weeping; Throughout 2015, you are not permitted to bury anyone in your life because there shall be no more death; in 2015, some things that cause you sorrow will be far from you and in 2015, you will not need any medication to be healthy.
Also that, “Your night season is over; God will be all you need for triumphant life, victorious living all through 2015; There shall be a rise of many giants – giants in all sectors of human endeavor; Men like nations will rise in the year 2015; Men that will command attention of many nations shall arise in 2015 and God has brought us into the realm of heaven on earth, where men will live like angels.
Pastor William Kumuyi – Deeper Life
The General Superintendent of Deeper Life Bible Church, Pastor William Kumuyi did not release fresh prophecy for the New Year. Earlier in December during a media briefing ahead of the Deeper Life Bible Church three-day crusade at Eiyenkorin in Ilorin, Kwara State he regretted that Nigerians misunderstood the power of prophesy insisting that Nigeria remains an indivisible entity.
“Sometimes people misunderstood the power of prophecy and there are people who will make negative pronouncements. Pronouncements are not necessarily prophecies. Every utterance on Nigeria breaking up is a pronouncement made from observations and not prophecies.
“I believe those who made those pronouncements based on some things they see or feel should say ‘they feel Nigeria may break up’ and not that God said that. Because if God could hear the voice of only Moses and spared Israel and they still exist over 3,000 years after, then God loves Nigeria and would not allow it to break up.
He concluded by saying that, “God has a purpose for Nigeria. When people talk of division, the truth is that once you start the process, it never ends. Once you say, ‘people in the North, go your way and those in the South, go your way,’ there are other people who will also rise up to say they too want to go their own way even within you. You know what happened in the 1960’s; several sides will begin to be asked to go away but I know that God has a purpose for bringing Nigeria together and we shall remain
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