clotting, Dizziness, endometriosis, Heavy Flow, infrequent period, menopause, Menstrual cycle, missed periods, period, period problems, polyps, premature menopause, Thyroid issues
1. Extremely Heavy Flow
The amount of flow varies from woman to woman and even from month to month. However, you should talk to your doctor if you have to change sanitary products more than once an hour. In addition, your period should not last more than a week. Long or extremely heavy periods can make you anemic and may even be a sign of serious but treatable conditions such as uterine polyps and endometriosis.

2. Dizziness
The horm3. Debilitating Cramping and Pain
Most women will get some pain or discomfort during their menstrual cycle. However, you should be able to take an over the counter pain reliever and move on with your life. If the pain is so bad that you have trouble functioning at times, it may be a sign of endometriosis or other issues.

4. Excessive Clotting
It’s normal for there to be some small clots in your monthly flow. However, having a lot of clots or very large clots is not normal. This may indicate that your blood is extremely prone to clotting, an issue that should be treated before it causes life-threatening health problems.

5. Missed Periods
Most women breathe a sigh of relief when their period is late and pregnancy is not a possibility. However, missed or highly irregular periods can be a sign of more serious health problems. Thyroid issues, premature menopause, and a variety of health problems all may present initially as missed or infrequent periods. The tests for this are simple and fast, so be sure to tell your doctor about missed periods even when you know you are not pregnant.

Every woman has her own unique cycle and the inconveniences to go with it. However, some period problems may be a sign of more serious health issues. Period problems are often the first sign that something in your body isn’t in optimal running condition.

Sources, Sonal changes and fluid loss during your period may make you more fatigued or weaker than normal. However, you should not feel light-headed or pass out. This can be a sign of anemia, low blood pressure, and other health problems. Your doctor can ensure that you are healthy and help you come up with ways to stay strong and fully conscious during any time of month.


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